Insurance Read Time: 4 min

5 Key Points for Choosing a Life Insurance Policy

选择正确的人寿大发888dafa政策意味着在你今天的支付能力和你想为你所爱的人留下的钱之间取得平衡. While price is a big factor, 在为您选择合适的保单时,还有其他重要的因素需要考虑.

1. Policy Type


Term Life Insurance

定期人寿大发888dafa提供一定期限的大发888dafa, such as 5, 10, 15, or 20+ years. During this period, you pay a premium, 如果你死了,你的受益人会得到死亡抚恤金. 在指定期间结束时(如果您没有转换或续保保单), 你停止支付大发888dafa费,不再受大发888dafa的保护.

Whole Life Insurance

Considered more of an investment, 终身人寿大发888dafa从投保之日起直至死亡,没有终止日期. Over time, your whole life insurance policy builds a cash value, 一旦到期日,你可以将其套现或用作贷款.

Term life insurance is typically more affordable. 对于那些只是希望确保有一个政策,以满足他们的孩子,直到他们上大学的需求, a term life policy may be all that's required. 对于那些希望认真投资并有能力每月支付更多的人, whole life insurance could be beneficial. As you consider various life insurance policies, 决定哪种类型的政策适合你的独特情况应该是第一步.

2. Tailored Pricing

Life insurance policy prices vary greatly, and the price is based on the policy type, the provider, and your unique circumstances. When you're comparing prices and shopping around, it's important to look for a policy that takes into consideration factors associated with your unique circumstances; for example, your health, smoking habits, travel history, and other habits or indicators. 关于这类因素的政策信息越深入, 它越适合你——这意味着你可能有资格根据你健康的生活方式选择或积极的习惯享受折扣. 提供更通用或更宽松审查的保单可能会用更高的保费来弥补这一点.

3. Affordability

有一个负担得起的政策很重要,原因有几个. 购买人寿大发888dafa的目的是在你去世后为你所爱的人提供经济保障. That shouldn't mean, however, 你现在剥夺了你财务生活的方方面面来维持你的政策. 即使在经济困难的时候,也要找到一个适合你预算的政策.

When faced with financial turmoil (job loss, divorce, etc.),人寿大发888dafa可能是第一批被取消的东西之一. 让它从一开始就负担得起可能有助于避免这种情况. Additionally, if you cancel or lapse on your policy, you may face an uphill battle getting another one, especially if your health has declined in any way.

4. Option to Convert Policy

想象一下,你的定期人寿大发888dafa单的有效期到了最后一两年,你想继续使用同样的大发888dafa单. Some term life insurance policies offer a conversion feature, which allows conversion of the policy into a permanent one.

此功能的一个主要优点是,它可以帮助您避免返回市场并重新开始您的保单搜索. 值得注意的是,如果你是在20或30年前购买的大发888dafa, 你的健康状况可能会使你很难获得一份新大发888dafa.

5. Living Benefits

在你还活着的时候,找到一份能给你提供一定福利的人寿大发888dafa是很重要的. 有些保单允许你提取已经支付的医疗费用的保费(例如.g., care, cancer treatment).

当你生病或丧失行为能力时,这个选择可以使你和你所爱的人免于经济动荡, 请注意,您从保单中提取的任何资金都会减少受益人收到的金额.

你想知道如果你意外去世,你所爱的人会得到很好的照顾. 现在多花点时间看看你的选择,选择适合你的东西,这会让你的保单在以后给你和你的家人带来很大的好处. If you're working with an agent or financial professional, ask them to help you thoroughly review your options.

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